Saturday, January 21, 2012

This time of the year again: Intenational Speech and Evaluation Contests!

A message from our president:

Fellow Toastmasters,

It is again time for international speech and Evaluation Contest. This morning we have decided to have our club contest on February 18, 2012. 

Please remember that taking part in a contest is  always a joy! We know only one member from our club will go to the next level. But I can assure you that whether or not you go to the next level, only taking part in the contest is an invaluable experience. Not only you learn where you need to focus, you will also learn a lot in the process. So, I encourage all of you to consider taking part in this exciting and fun activity.

Along with the contestants, we also need Contest Chair, Chief Judge, Judges, Counters, Timer, Sergent-at-Arms for the contest. Please let either Julie or myself know what role you would like to take on at the contest. It is an opportunity to have one of your CL roles fulfilled by taking part in one of the roles at the contest.

Looking forward to the contest and your participation in it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Nikesh Amit  
Comfortably Speaking Toastmasters